Explosive Desire (Love With a Price Book 4) Page 7
“Has she gotten any more of those nasty letters?” Sally’s question jerked Luke out of his thoughts.
“How did you know about that?”
“Seriously?” Dylan took another swig of his beer. “You know how the grapevine works around here. Apparently, Harper told Linzee.”
“And Linzee told Foster,” Ethan added.
Luke sighed. “And Foster’s the biggest gossip in Oakville. Really, Mom, you should punish him for that.”
“Oh, don’t be too hard on your brother. He’s such a worrier. He flutters around poor Linzee like she’s going to go into labor at any minute. And she isn’t due until September.”
He looked around the yard, but didn’t see Foster or Linzee’s pop of red hair. “Where are they anyway? They were here a few minutes ago.”
“The heat was bothering Linzee, so Foster took her inside,” Sally explained. “Now stop changing the subject. Do they know who’s sending these letters?”
He shook his head as his eyes followed Harper to a food table where she picked up two cookies, put them on a plate, paused for a moment, then put one back.
“No, they don’t know who it is. The good news is she hasn’t gotten any more, so hopefully the guy gave up.” Harper started to walk away from the dessert table when Kai stopped her. Luke sized up the man who’d worked for him for two years. Kai smiled down at Harper and gave her a wink. She laughed at whatever he said, and Luke narrowed his eyes, feeling the sudden urge to throw Kai in the pool. “And why did you have to invite the crew, Mom?”
“What?” Sally followed his gaze. “Oh, they seem like nice boys. Kai is awfully friendly, and that boy Derek seems nice, too, just a bit shy.”
He looked over to where Derek sat at a table near Becca. The younger man always seemed easygoing, but he currently had a look on his face that Luke had never seen before. His piercing eyes were focused on something in the distance. But before Luke noticed what he was looking at, his mom snapped her fingers. “You know, maybe we could set him up with Becca. Luke, what do you think?”
Dylan snorted in response as Luke shook his head. “Mom, I’m not playing matchmaker for my employees.”
Ethan put an arm around his mother, who didn’t quite come up to his shoulder. “Besides, our little sister would eat that poor kid for breakfast. No, she needs someone who can handle her.”
All four of them looked over to where Becca sat, mindlessly stirring her iced tea. She only looked up when Harper sat down next to her.
Dylan seemed to perk up. “Speaking of women who are hard to handle—”
Luke’s sharp glare cut his brother off. “Shut it.”
“Touchy, touchy.” Dylan grinned. “Maybe your new lady’s sweetness will rub off on you, Mr. Personality.”
The boy in Luke had the urge to stick his tongue out at Dylan. And then kick him in the chin. But when he looked at Harper, chatting away to his sister, every other urge was pushed out of him except the need to touch her.
“I’ll see you clowns later, I’m going to go be hospitable.”
“Is that what they’re calling it these days?” Ethan called as he walked off. “Ow.”
Luke smiled because even with his back to his brothers, he knew his mom had just smacked Ethan in the back of the head.
His pace slowed as he got closer to Harper. Even though he knew his brothers’ teasing was good-natured, some of it still hit home. Mr. Personality. What made him think someone as kind and sweet as Harper could want him? What could she possibly see in him?
Chapter Nine
Harper wanted to find Luke, missing his nearness, but he looked as though he was involved in an intense conversation with his mom and siblings, so instead, she decided to see why Becca seemed so upset. The young woman had been friendly when Harper arrived, but she also seemed seriously affected by the presence of Gray and Q. Harper knew it wasn’t any of her business, but she thought at the very least, she could distract Becca for a little while. From the way Luke spoke of his little sister, Harper knew just how close they were. For that reason alone, it made her really want to get to know the girl.
And truth be told, she really wanted Becca’s approval.
“Is this seat taken?” She stood beside the table holding a plate with one lonely chocolate chip cookie. She totally should have taken two.
“Huh?” Becca flipped up her sunglasses to look up at Harper. “Oh, hey, Harper, have a seat.” Becca shoved her sunglasses back up her nose, leaned back in her chair, and took a long drink of her iced tea as Harper sat down.
“Is everything okay?” Even with Becca’s sunglasses on, it was easy for Harper to see that she kept dragging her gaze over to where Gray and Q sat at the bar.
“Sure, fine,” Becca chirped. When Harper didn’t say anything, Becca propped her elbows on the table and lifted her glasses up, pressing her palms to her eyes. When she pulled them away, Harper saw she was barely holding back tears.
“Becca, what is it? I know you don’t know me, but you can talk to me.” She reached over to give Becca’s arm a reassuring squeeze.
Becca just shook her head. “There’s nothing to talk about, really. I just have some … misplaced feelings, that’s all.”
Harper studied the girl as she cast a glance across the yard, but she couldn’t tell exactly which man Becca was looking at. “Misplaced feelings for Gray or Q?”
A small smile played at the corner of Becca’s mouth. “Both. Pretty twisted, huh?”
Harper tilted her head. “Why is it twisted to have feelings for two men? Is that the problem? That they’re friends? Or are you having trouble choosing between the two?”
Becca flashed a sad smile. “That’s the question a lot of people seemed to ask me. But it’s not really a question about choosing. I lov—” She stopped abruptly, and her eyes widened at what she’d almost said. “I care about them both. And they usually date the same woman, so that part’s not really the issue.” She glanced up at Harper’s face, and the doctor wondered if Becca thought that admission would shock her. It didn’t. “You’re not surprised?” the girl asked. “Some people think that’s wrong … warped or something.”
Harper just shook her head. “Becca, I work trauma. I’ve seen warped and twisted over the years. I certainly don’t use those words to describe love. Whatever the coupling or trio or whatever, as long as it makes the people involved happy, that’s all that really matters.”
“Really?” The tears were back in Becca’s eyes. “You really think that?”
If it was one thing she could give Becca, it was reassurance. “I really think that. Becca, there are so many possibilities out there for relationships, so many different ways people can love. The problem is that people feel limited. They do what they’re supposed to, or what’s considered the ‘norm’.” Harper used air quotes around the last word. “Life’s too short, sweetie. That’s one big thing I’ve learned in my profession. You never know when it’s going to be over. So don’t waste it on what you think you’re supposed to be doing. Find what makes you happy, or who makes you happy, and go after it with all your heart.”
Harper had been so engrossed in what she was saying to Becca that she hadn’t noticed Luke walk up behind her until his deep voice rumbled. “That’s good advice.”
She jumped a little in surprise then smiled up at him. “How long have you been standing there?”
He cupped one big hand over her shoulder. “Long enough, Pretty.”
Becca reached up to swipe away a tear that had fallen. “Luke, I don’t know where you found this one, but you’d better not let her go.” Then Becca grinned because when a situation got too serious, she had to insert a little bit of snark. “Even if Mom is paying her to date you, we’re still going to have to find a way to keep her.”
Harper let out a laugh as Becca threw her arms around her neck and squeezed her tightly. “Thanks, Doc,” she whispered.
She squeezed back. “Anytime, sweetie.”
Becca got up and gave Luke
an automatic fist bump before making her way across the yard with a determined look on her face.
“Wow, not a lot of people can crack Becca.” Luke took his sister’s place at the table. “And you managed to do it in an afternoon. You sure are talented, Pretty.”
She returned his heart-stopping smile, and wondered if he had any idea how that smile made her insides jump around. “I have lots of talents,” she said before realizing the implication.
Luke realized it immediately. His ebony eyes darkened, and he moved his chair closer until their thighs touched.
Harper felt her entire body heat up at the contact. It felt as if someone lit a spark in the pit of her belly. When Luke reached up to trail his fingertips along the side of her face, that spark turned into a flame. She was really happy she was sitting down at that moment because she was pretty sure her knees would have given out if she’d been standing.
Luke’s mouth hovered an inch from hers. “You’ll have to tell me about some of those talents.” He ran his fingers through her curls that she wore loose around her shoulders before cupping the back of her neck. “Better yet, why don’t you show me?”
Her eyes drifted shut as he lowered his mouth to hers. His kiss began gentle, his lips pressed lightly to hers. He lifted his head for a brief moment, and she thought that was an appropriate kiss for being in the midst of a bunch of people in his mother’s backyard.
But then something inside Luke seemed to snap, and appropriateness was the last thing on his mind. He descended again, crushing his mouth to hers, sending all thoughts flying except those of him. His arm wrapped around her, his hand cupping her face. His spicy scent of sandalwood and man made Harper feel intoxicated. And he tasted sweet, almost like a decadent nectar. She couldn’t get enough.
His tongue traced the seam of her lips, and she parted for him immediately. He didn’t hesitate before surging forward, his tongue tangling with hers. She pressed herself closer against him, wanting more, needing more. Her tongue slid along his, and she felt her nipples pebble painfully as the pressed against his chest. She heard a groan escape from the back of his throat, and it vibrated into her mouth, sending shivers through her whole body. The fierce kiss became urgent, and Harper felt drunk with desire.
It wasn’t until she heard the dramatic clearing of a man’s throat that she remembered where they were. “A-hem!”
Her eyes popped open, and she jerked away from Luke. He didn’t let her go far, though, keeping his arm securely fastened around her as they both looked up at Ethan.
Luke’s brother waggled his eyebrows at them mischievously. “While I am definitely enjoying this show, you two might want to cool it before Mom comes back outside. You’re drawing a little bit of attention.”
She turned to look around the yard and saw more than half the people there were staring at her. Heat rose in her face.
“That’s a good idea.” Luke pressed a kiss just below her earlobe.
She bit her lip to stifle a groan. “What’s a good idea?”
“Home.” He turned her face back to look at him. “Let’s go home, Pretty.”
Dylan just chuckled as he walked off. “Have fun, you two. Just try to come up for air before Monday.”
Harper looked up into Luke’s questioning eyes. And there was a question there. It was very clear what he wanted, but he wasn’t pressing her. He was asking her.
“Yes. Yes, let’s go home.” As soon as she said the words, Luke jumped up, holding his hand out to her.
He dragged her up and quickly hustled her across the yard, where they said a hasty good-bye to his mother. She seemed surprised they were leaving so early, but Luke didn’t take time to answer questions as he ushered her out.
Normally, Harper wouldn’t have been quite so abrupt, but her entire body was on fire. She’d thought of nothing but Luke Price for the last two weeks, and she needed him. Now.
He stopped at the front door of the house to give her one more hard kiss, leaving her breathless. “Since your car’s here, I’ll follow you home. Okay, Pretty?”
She nodded, unable to speak. She just hoped she didn’t get a speeding ticket on the way home.
He opened the door and ushered her out, his large hand firmly on her lower back. It was a good thing he was leading her since she wasn’t looking where she was going. She couldn’t tear her eyes from Luke’s beautiful face.
They’d made it about halfway across the front yard, when Luke stopped short, nearly causing her to trip. She stared up at his face, which had hardened into angry lines.
“What?” She followed his gaze, and her eyes widened. Her car sat where she had parked it in front of the house. Except her red Honda now had the word “WHORE” splashed across the side in black spray paint.
Chapter Ten
The front door shut behind Luke with a loud click. Harper had scarcely said a word the entire way home. The only reason he’d managed to keep a lid on his barely contained anger over the way her car had been vandalized was because he didn’t want to upset her any more than she already was. Besides, flying off the handle—Luke’s normal go-to reaction when he got upset—wouldn’t do much to help matters or blow off any steam.
Harper’s beautiful face was tight with worry, and it killed him that he couldn’t snap his fingers and make everything okay. He knew it was more than just the vandalism. He knew that word—whore—triggered memories in Harper that were best left in the past. One thing was certain: he would find the bastard that was making her life a living hell, and when he did, the asshole was going to wish he’d never been born.
“Thank you for driving me home. And for taking care of the car.” She didn’t look at him as she tentatively walked into her small living room and sank down into the overstuffed sofa.
“No thanks necessary. The guy at the shop said they’re getting your car in for a paint job first thing in the morning. So you shouldn’t be without it for more than forty-eight hours.”
Her nearly imperceptible nod was her only answer as she stared straight ahead. Luke didn’t like this. He didn’t like it one bit. This wasn’t his Harper. His girl had fire in her eyes when she faced a challenge, but she was also outgoing and funny. Gentle and kind. Her current state of near catatonia nearly ripped his heart out.
He sat down next to her on the couch and reached out to take her hand in his. She winced, but didn’t pull away.
“Look at me.” When she didn’t respond, he deepened his voice. “Harper, look at me. Now.”
She turned her head to look at him with weary blue eyes. Fuck, he hated that she looked so broken. He wanted to fix her. Or at least make her forget all the pain and potential danger right outside the door.
He opened his mouth to speak, but she stopped him with a shake of her head. “Please don’t. Don’t say it’s going to be okay. Don’t tell me there’s nothing to worry about, and they’re going to catch this guy.” She took a shaky breath. “I know everyone at your mom’s was just trying to help, trying to make me feel better.” Her fingers absently played along his. “I just don’t want you to lie to me.” She looked down at their hands.
Her words nearly broke him. He raised a hand to her cheek and brushed aside her blonde curls to cup her face and tilt it up to him. “I’ll never lie to you, Harper. Not ever. I can’t even imagine how violated you must be feeling right now. What this psycho is doing to you makes me sick to my stomach. But I can make you one promise. I will not let anything happen to you, do you understand me? I’ll die before I ever let anyone hurt you.”
Her eyes filled, and she tried to look away, but he held her face steady. “No. Look at me.” She raised her eyes again, and a tear spilled over. Luke gently wiped it away with his thumb then leaned in to press his lips against her forehead. He pulled back to look into her face. “You don’t have to be afraid, Pretty, not of me.” He brushed away another tear and stroked the back of his knuckles along her jaw. “I’m the man you can trust. I’m the man you can depend on. And I’m not going anywhere.”<
br />
“Luke…” She said his name on a whisper as the pad of his thumb stroked gently over her bottom lip. Tentatively, her tongue snaked out to lick his thumb. He stilled as her soft wetness played over the tip of his thumb. Harper searched his face as if she were waiting to see if he would pull away. When he didn’t, she sucked his thumb into her mouth.
Heat flared through Luke, and his arousal ratcheted up to eleven.
Get it together, Price. She’s vulnerable. You can’t take advantage of her.
“Harper…” He should tell her this wasn’t a good idea. When he made love to her, he wanted it to be because she needed him as much as he needed her, not because she was using him as a distraction. But when she raised her face to his and leaned in, he couldn’t deny her, couldn’t deny himself.
The second their lips met, all semblance of reasoning slipped away. The only thing in his head was her. His mind was consumed—intoxicated—with Harper Love.
He groaned as his arm wrapped around her waist, dragging her closer. Luke’s kiss was one of possession. There were no niceties there. He used his mouth to taste her and claim her as his own. His tongue slid over hers in a dance that only set his arousal aflame. When she moaned into his mouth, he thought it would be his undoing.
Finally, he released her mouth, allowing her to take a breath as his lips trailed down the side of her neck, nipping lightly as he went. Her skin tasted better than any candy, and she smelled like heaven. Harper’s breathing was a harsh pant against his hair.
“Luke.” Her throat worked as she swallowed. “Luke?”
It took every bit of strength he had to raise his head and take his mouth away from her sensual skin. His blood pounded loudly in his ears, which surprised him a little because he was fairly certain every ounce of blood in his body had rushed straight to his cock. He’d never wanted a woman so bad in his life.
“I … uh, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about before we…” Although her face was flushed from his kisses, he still noticed two cute little dots of red form on her cheeks.